The Republican Party Needs the Religious Right

America was founded on godly moral values and God has blessed us because of that fact. “Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil;” and I won’t do it. I was a Reagan Democrat. Like Reagan, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party; it left me.” The question now, “Is the Republican Party leaving me, too?”

Sen. McCain does not follow the Republican Party Platform on the moral value issues. For any chance at all of winning votes of those of us “religious right” IF John McCain wins the nomination at the convention; he MUST choose a CONSISTENT moral value conservative for his running mate. The ideal running mate will have the chief executive experience Sen. McCain lacks with a PROVEN record of working with Democrats passing moral value legislation. Sen. McCain needs a running mate that is strong in the “red states” needed for winning the general election. The running mate needs to attract and convince young voters to actually get out and vote. Sen. McCain needs help reaching moral value minority voters. Someone with a history of achieving major improvements while balancing a budget, strong on education and the parents’ ability to choose the right type of education will be greatly appreciated. Remember, “Promote school choice and home-schooling” is also on the Republican Party platform. I agree with “conservative” pundits the majority of the time; but I strongly disagree with Fred Barnes when he said, “Romney is acceptable to social conservatives.”

The informed “religious right” IS NOT attracted to Romney’s resume. Massachusetts allows tax dollars for abortion and became the only state in America allowing homosexual marriage under Romney’s leadership. Romney also has a record of appointing liberal activist judges. If Sen. McCain chooses that flip-flopping, data driven, say anything to get elected, moral value conservative wanna be, Mitt Romney; many of us WILL NOT VOTE for McCain. (Much less try to persuade others to do so.) We will make sure Romney’s pro-liberal record gets attention if he is on the GOP presidential ticket.

The fiscal conservatives will vote GOP regardless who is on the ticket; even if they “scream bloody murder” while doing it. The “religious right” is who Sen. McCain and the GOP have to worry about. “God is not spelled G-O-P.” James Dobson said he will try to get a true moral value conservative to run as an Independent. Many of us “religious right” are already “independent” thinkers. The GOP better quit taking us “religious right” for granted unless they don’t care about the results in November.

Attention to those leaving comments: I don’t review them as quickly as I should. Please be patient with me. Thank you.

Published in: on March-06:00bMon, 17 Mar 2008 21:42:36 -0600000000pmMon, 17 Mar 2008 21:42:36 -060008 4, 2008 at 9:42 pm  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Gov. Huckabee would fill all of your requirements for VP. He would bring Fair Tax supporters to the voting booths, too. McCain/Huckabee ticket would be the Dems’ nightmare because they have both been able to reach across the aisles.

  2. You are absolutely right Granny! If it must be McCain, it needs to be McCain/Huckabee 08

    As I’ve been lurking around on other sites, it seems that one of the concerns that people have about the office of the VP, is that they ‘do nothing’ They are next in line for succession, they cast tie breaking votes in the senate, and not much else.

    The funny thing is, I can’t help seeing a much greater role for Mike if he were to earn that spot. Mike is the face and voice of heartland America, and he’s a great orator.

    I just have a vision (literally) of Mike speaking on behalf of our country in countless international forums, and reminding the world of everything good America has to offer.

    I see him possibly having a presidents ear, to make the final push towards advocating for the fair tax, and contributing to other out of the box policy innovations that could pull our country out of recession.

    I see him bringing a level of transparency to the west wing…. as hidden and scary secretive as Cheny could seem during this admin, Mike would be the opposite. I don’t see him shutting us out, but welcoming us in. Can you see the lefties trying to build conspiracy theories around Mike’s sunny personality? The great puppeteer?

    I think, if we got Mike in the door, that America would realize that giving him the WH in 2012 would be in its best interest.

    But that’s just me day dreaming.. Oh to see Mike in the WH someday.. 🙂

  3. I found Huck’s campaign to be loaded with religious bigotry. No thanks, folks. I don’t want a Huck as VP. And if that’s what it takes to win over the “religious wrong”, then they can keep their candidate. I was NOT impressed with him during the primaries.

  4. Rockyspoon,
    Are you referring to Gov. Huckabee’s question about whether the Mormon religion believes Jesus and the devil were brothers? Huckabee explained, “I really didn’t know. Well, he was telling me things about the Mormon faith, because he frankly is well-schooled on comparative religions. As a part of that conversation, I asked the question, because I had heard that, and I asked it, not to create something — I never thought it would make the story.” Read more about the interview.
    For the record, according to their website; Mormons do believe Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.
    “Jess L. Christensen, Institute of Religion director at Utah State University, Logan, Utah. On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers. Jesus Christ was with the Father from the beginning. Lucifer, too, was an angel “who was in authority in the presence of God,” a “son of the morning.” (See Isa. 14:12; D&C 76:25–27.) Both Jesus and Lucifer were strong leaders with great knowledge and influence. But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother.”

    If you are referring to Gov. Huckabee’s comments about Muslim’s; he was referring to the extremist. “What makes this so unusual is that the radical Islamic fascists—not representative of the entire Muslim religion, but the radical Islamic fascists who have declared war on us do so not from a political perspective but from a theological perspective.” Read his entire speech. The part on Islamic Fascist is about 2/3 down.
    The jobs of pastor and President of the Southern Baptist Convention are also leadership experience. (Qualifications for many leadership positions) Gov. Huckabee has a history of being chosen as the leader in many of his ventures. (NOT just religious ones) Check out his “resume.”
    I didn’t come up with the term “religious right”; but I don’t find it offensive. Since you refer to us as “religious wrong”; I come to the conclusion YOU must be a religious bigot.

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